Monday, December 20, 2010


I want to start this blog by assuring all readers of my credibility. I'm no conspiracy theorist. I'm no liberal nut-job; I'm no ultra-conservative paranoia case. I'm just a proud American who stumbled upon some troubling quotes from some powerful people, started digging and uncovered a giant threat to the freedoms we all take for granted. This is a large-scale, well-planned scheme that cannot go unnoticed by the American people or future generations are going to be in some deep, deep trouble.
    What if I told you your vote doesn't count? What if I told you that you really don't have a say? Not because of an electoral college or a skewed tallying system, but because the true leaders of this country are never elected and operate blind from the public eye, meeting behind closed doors to dictate the policies and laws of our future. Sounds scary, but I'm here to warn you it didn't take much poking around to figure this one out--it's actually been pretty well-documented. I've been investigating in my spare time for the last few months and I'm starting to put some major pieces together. This blog documents the puzzle as it forms...

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